今日媽媽休息一天, 所以和姐姐出沙田吃晚飯, 聽聞沙田開左芽莊, 所以就快trytry :)其實平日公司附近都有一間~ 間唔中都會去到訪一下~ 家姐又想試下~ 咁就比較下有冇分別la :)
我地order 左3樣野 :
the crispy fried soft shell crab is well balanced with crunchy and cool fresh cucumber and herbs in this salad roll
the crispy fried soft shell crab is well balanced with crunchy and cool fresh cucumber and herbs in this salad roll
其實之前食過~入面有一舊好大ge 軟殼蟹, 加埋入面好多蘿蔔絲同埋青瓜同埋d 菜, 出面係用紙米包住~唔錯好味~同ricepaper 差唔多~
Delicious sweet and tangy pomelo with smoky grilled shrimps in a zesty lime dressing, Topped with roasted shallot chips and cashew nuts,
第一次食lei個~有驚喜wo! lei 個其實係冷盤黎ge~ 蝦其實我mama地~ 但係 同埋my favourite ge 茄子食上面有d 炸左ge 蒜片加腰果~ 脆脆地, 再加埋佢有d 醬汁, 酸酸甜甜~ 好味道ar!!
Delicious sweet and tangy pomelo with smoky grilled shrimps in a zesty lime dressing, Topped with roasted shallot chips and cashew nuts,
第一次食lei個~有驚喜wo! lei 個其實係冷盤黎ge~ 蝦其實我mama地~ 但係 同埋my favourite ge 茄子食上面有d 炸左ge 蒜片加腰果~ 脆脆地, 再加埋佢有d 醬汁, 酸酸甜甜~ 好味道ar!!
但睇返佢個description 原來先知佢個汁係 用左柚子汁~又食唔出wo :d
河內蕃茄蟹檬 $48
The extract the flvor, the crabs are pounded and crushed, cooked and filtered then mixed with dried shrimp, pork and tomato to create this hearty soup.
lei個之前都有食過~ 真係好好味, 特別個湯底真係好蕃茄~ 但係覺得d 蟹丸少左ge!? 係沙田分店少左料定係inflation 少左料 !?
The extract the flvor, the crabs are pounded and crushed, cooked and filtered then mixed with dried shrimp, pork and tomato to create this hearty soup.
lei個之前都有食過~ 真係好好味, 特別個湯底真係好蕃茄~ 但係覺得d 蟹丸少左ge!? 係沙田分店少左料定係inflation 少左料 !?
值得一讚ge 就係~ 上菜好快. 不消5mins 已經上左菜~ 好快~ 環境方面~ 可能因為我地係walkin, 所以安排左張臺窄少少~ 隔一個身位, 已經係第2張臺~ 見到有d 好靚好舒服ge 卡位, 但好得意唔係for 4個人, 而且c 型ge~我諗for around 6-8位坐ge~ 我地坐得地入, 由入去到食完, 見到d 大臺都好吉~ 以為冇咩人la~點知出面原來有唔少人起到等梗位~ ja 係如果想坐得舒服d 就記住make reservation la :)
地址:沙田沙田正街18號新城市廣場一期7樓The Menu
電話: 2605 8887
電話: 2605 8887
after dinner, 之前買左tuttimelon ecoupoun 黎試,所以就襯有記憶快快手用左佢la
佢呢間係自助形式ge~ 乳酪雪糕都有唔少味選擇after dinner, 之前買左tuttimelon ecoupoun 黎試,所以就襯有記憶快快手用左佢la
有士多啤梨, 朱古力,西瓜,黑芝麻,原味, 益力多, 當中除左朱古力冇試之後其他都試晒
西瓜同士多啤梨味都好真~ 唔錯幾好食
原味~ 反而mama 地 , 唔太好食 比較起其實幾間froyo 店黎講
益力多: 我覺我唔太似益力多味~反而有d 似韓國飲品0個隻鮮奶忌廉
黑芝麻: 開頭見到個名唔打算試~因為個怪覺得~ 出奇又好好味~ 好黑芝麻味好正氣wo! 不過比較飽
配料方面, 我只係試左荔枝味ge 珠珠同埋麥槺
荔枝味ge 珠珠都okay
麥槺都okay, 不過覺得hollycow 0個d 新鮮dd~
菠蘿: 我家姐話好唔得wo~ 所以唔好試
買左2大bowl 真係好full ~total 買左around $90 ~
地址: 沙田沙田正街18號新城市廣場一期1樓123號舖
電話: 2606 4900
食飽飽, 想健康一點, 步行回家~ 看見月光又大又圓~好耐冇見過~ 考試後滿足的晚餐 :d