
雜莓奶油撻-Berries Creme Tarts

同事說M&S 的berries 有 sales~看看貌相相當吸引, 而且剛剛明天又是假期, 所以買了一盒trytry ^0^
好久之前, 我曾經target 過一個食譜, 做一個雜莓撻, 現在又比我買到物資~ 當然要一個來試試, 勿失良機 :p

份量: 9inches pie


½ cup (8 tablespoons) soft butter
½ cup sugar
1 tablespoon lemon zest or 1/8 teaspoon lemon oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon almond extract, optional
½ teaspoon salt
1/2 cup almond flour, optional
1 1/2 cups King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour


1 cup pastry cream mix prepared according to package instructions. Or, make rich pudding filling by preparing one 3.4-ounce box of instant vanilla pudding with heavy cream, instead of milk, and adding 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
因為唔知邊到有PASTRY CREAM 買, 所以再起另一到搵左個整PASTRY CREAM GE 食譜:
Whole Milk 1 CUP
Cornstarch 2TB SPOONS
Eggs 1
Yolks 2
Vanilla (did not added) 1TEASPOONS




1/4 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
3/4 cup clear juice: apple, cranberry, cranberry variation...
1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin



To make the crust: Beat together the butter, sugar, flavorings, and salt
Whisk together the flour and almond flour (if you're using it), and mix into the butter. The mixture will be crumbly
Press the crust into the bottom and up sides of a 9" tart pan. Use a fork to prick the dough all over. Freeze for 30 minutes (or longer), covered. Just before baking, preheat the oven to 375°F.
Bake the crust for 20 to 22 minutes, until golden brown. Set aside to cool.


In a mixing bowl, dissolve cornstarch in 1/4 of the milk. Combine the remaining milk with the sugar in the saucepan; bring to a boil; remove from heat.
Beat whole egg(s), then the yolks into cornstarch mixture. Pour 1/3 of the boiling milk into the egg mixture, whisking constantly, and strain.
Return the remaining milk to a boil. Pour into hot egg mixture in a stream, whisking constantly.
Continue whisking until the cream thickens and comes to a boil. Pour in hot egg mixture in a stream, whisking constantly.
Continue whisking until the cream thickens and comes to a boil. Remove from the heat and beat in the butter and vanilla and any other flavorings and chocolate.**
Pour the cream into a stainless steel pan. Press plastic wrap directly against the surface, so it won't form a film. Chill immediately.
Prepare the filling, and spread it into the cooled crust.
Top with raspberries and blueberries, and serve immediately.
其實基本上只要起一個熱梗係 牛奶同糖ge 煲到打打打打, 再加埋蛋同鷹粟粉打, 打到佢由水變左做cream 就事成 !!都幾熱下~起個熱住ge 煲到做運動, 跟住打隻 cream 狀就立即用保鮮紙包住, 放置室溫or 放落雪櫃, 以防d cream 結塊.

 If you're
 not going to serve the tart immediately, add a glaze to keep the fruit fresh. Use a tart glaze spray, or the following.
To make the glaze: Mix the brown sugar into the juice. Soften the gelatin in the juice for 5 minutes or so, then heat in the microwave or over low heat until the gelatin dissolves. Let cool to lukewarm.
Brush some of the glaze over the fruit

之後再鋪上m&s ge berries , 犯左個好大個錯誤, 就係買完返黎將d 莓放左起雪櫃, 原來係要放落冰隔 !! 所以拎出黎好多出~ 要隔一隔果肉! 再鋪面

原本我唔打算油一層coating, 但d berries 真係太水la , 所以最後都係跟食譜油一層coating,令到d 莓定下形, 發覺一層coating 都落幾多糖下 wo :s
雪左2-3hr, coating 已經定左形la! 個樣好似得得地wo :p

今日起母親節,原本順便拎黎慶祝下母親節, 點知媽媽話勁酸, 勁難食~~~ oh my god~ 因為媽媽係唔太食得酸野~所以接受唔到~但我食得酸野都okay~ 不過都係mama, 因為lei 隻 莓酸得黎係冇咩莓味~ 而且個餅底我整得厚左少少~所以媽媽話個撻大硬~但lei樣我鍾意食wo~ 所以lei個都算係失失地敗ge 蛋糕~ poor~~

